Back in Campoverde

Wednesday 27th September 2023

After a quiet, undisturbed night we woke in this big carpark, all on our own, wonderful and let the two dogs out to do their business; we’ve definitely cracked it!!   Today we start the big “catch-up” in Campoverde.   Apart from catching up with friends etc., we have other important things to do, such as visit the dentist and get Christine’s nails done not to mention haircuts, but firstly we’re enjoying our carpark environment whilst having breakfast.

Walking on beach, as the sun came up, fantastic

Driving through Pilar and up to Campoverde, not having been here for a year, we notice the changes, and there were a number that perhaps living here one misses.   

We had arranged to meet Paul Butterworth for coffee this morning and though it was great to meet up again, it was very sad as Paul had very recently lost his wife Sharon after a valiant fight against cancer.   We then met up with Mary Sturgess and had lunch at Juanita’s before returning to our “new” favourite campsite.

Again we could park in the same position where the dogs can just run out, do “things” and get back in, but first the beach.    Today the temperature is 30-degrees, so a trip to the beach and a swim in the sea is essential and again the moment the dogs were “unleashed” they were in the sea closely followed by Christine and I. 

Having been out to lunch today supper was a bowl of fruit!!! Followed by Christine taking the “two” out for another beach walk, but no swimming!!!

Thursday 28th September

Our plan for a good and undisturbed night’s sleep backfired; around midnight there was some unwanted activity in the car park so I closed the window rather noisily which unfortunately disturbed the the dogs who didn’t settle and about 0100hrs uncharacteristically decided it was time to get up and wanted to go out.   Once they had been let out they were “full of beans” and wouldn’t come back leaving poor Christine outside trying to “round” them up.   To compound the issue we set the alarm for 0700hrs as we had to be back in Campoverde in time to join the Crib group.

Nice to see some familiar faces again

We rocked up to Jim and Hazel’s and joined in with the crib; it was as if we hadn’t left!!!   It was good catching up with everybody and even met a couple new crib players.   It is nice to know the weekly crib get together is still prospering under Jim and Hazel’s guidance; we will be back next week👍👍

After lunch and a trip to Mercadona we headed to meet up with Martin and Jackie, our old neighbours, again it didn’t seem 5-minutes since we said good bye last September.  Visiting them means driving is a no-no so planned to stop in the new part of Campoverde by the park rather than drive back to Lo  Pagan.   Whilst there  ChristIne went to “George’s” the Village vet to organise the dogs worming and complete the necessary paperwork to get them back into the U.K. 

Local park

After a very convivial couple of hours we left, tomorrow they both have hospital appointments so couldn’t drink and had early starts; hopefully we’ll meet up again before we leave.

Doggie park

We headed to our overnight stop and whilst Christine sorted dinner I took the dogs to the special “dog park” adjacent to us.   The mission is simple; “wear the buggers out”!!!!

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