Our Quiet Day

Friday 29th September 2013

We had a very comfortable night at our “new” campsite in-spite of the “midnight visit” by the rubbish-bin truck, and a few midnight dog walkers.   We were also surprised at the number of early risers exercising their dogs.  Today we have a long awaited meeting with “Telivision Technology” a company in Benijofar, to collect our new tv “black-box”, ours being 5-years old plus, it is beginning to give us some trouble and I can only collect; still it’s worth the effort!!!

After another session in the dog exercising compound we headed off and arriving at the appointed time to collect said object.   Nothing else planned for today so decided to head to Mil Palmeras to do a “recce” as we are meeting up with Lee and Sarah at Oasis after which, driving is a BIG no-no.   Whilst heading that way we decided we should top-up with gas, and as we don’t have a gauge after about a week, it is “prudent” to top-up.   Christine opened “my LPG.eu” App and was furiously looking for somewhere nearby when driving from the AP7 on the Torrevieja road, low and behold a garage selling it!!!   So far so good, but I didn’t have the correct “nozzle” for their pump and when I asked inside for one, they hadn’t got a clue what I wanted.   After a few minutes with two or three cashiers looking at the array of nozzles before them, including mine, someone suggested asking their boss for help.   A few moments later this “chap” arrived, scooped up the correct one and we headed to the pump together with the cashier as he wanted to “train” her in the use of the LPG pump and of course he filled Rosie for me in the process; win-win, what a helpful young man.   This particular garage wasn’t even on our app, why not I ask???

We drove around the Oasis area of Mil Palmeris and found a secluded road with an open gate to some scrubland, ideal for us and the dogs so stopped there for lunch, check the area out so-to-speak!!

Today we noticed the temperature on the roadside display had gone down from 30-degrees to 29-degrees, oh dear, winter is setting in😂😂.

Happy puppy dogs

Back at our regular “overnight stop” stop amongst the salt pans, it was now beach time, today we are taking a couple of chairs as there is no rush and it will give the dogs even “more” exercise!!!!!

Another trip to beach

After dinner we played crib then I watched New Zealand trounce Italy 96-17; another miss-match: also, being a Friday I suppose, “our” car park is unusually busy, what’s going on????   And it got worse, at 0140hrs we were woken by the dogs barking, not to go out but to tell us someone was about, that’s a first, well done Dogies.   Annoyingly it sounded like a couple of “blokes” having an argument and though they were about 25-meters away, in the quiet still of the night, their voices carried.   I didn’t know what time they stopped and buggered off as we closed the window and went to sleep

Sunset over the salt works
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