Sancerre to St.Claud

View of Canal from hotel

View of Canal from hotel

Up at a very reasonable time, we had a leisurely breakfast then

Hotel gardens

Hotel gardens

walked beside the Canal with Bella, it is very pretty here, I  do love France. We walked to the lock crossed over and wondered down a cycle path.  The weather has changed we have blue skies, sunshine, and a little cool breeze, very nice, so a excited about going home.

 Down by the lock

Down by the lock

Back to the car, and I set tom tom to avoid the motorways, we meandered through the country side, stopping occasionally to let Bella have a stretch, we tried to find a coffee

Tranquil walk along The Canal

Tranquil walk along
The Canal

place, but by the time we did it was lunch time, so we stopped at a little bar/restaurant for      a plate du jour, very nice, this was served with the usual bottle of red.

Although the journey took us longer, it,was so pretty, our fuel consumption went down, and we avoided all those toll charges.

We arrived at Catriona and Mikes, to a welcome cup of tea, it is great to be back.


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