Our Last Full Day

 Saturday 19th August

This morning arrived and the wind had died down, the rain had stopped and things looked much better.   Looking out of the window we noticed one camper-van had had enough as they had gone in the night; “lightweight’s”.   Listening to “Breakfast” this morning we heard how bad the overnight gales had been, we weren’t surprised though.  Fortunately yesterday I had to move “Rosie” to top up the water tank but replaced her back on our pitch the other way round, how fortuitous was that; the front was facing straight into the wind so it passed over the most aerodynamic part of the vehicle, had we had the stern facing the full blast the night would have been far more uncomfortable, but as I said things were much brighter today so after another of Christine’s hearty breakfasts, we headed out.

Little Haven

Our first port of call today was Little Haven, another small inlet with a beach where we parked the car and headed to the beach.

Lovely little beach

little Haven has been an agricultural, fishing and coal-mining area for some centuries; coal was loaded on to coasters from the beach but since the early 19th century, and with the decline of industry in the 20th century, its primary focus has shifted and has been developed as a seaside resort.  There are many holiday lets in the village and it it does have three pubs!!!!!   One, “The Swan”, as well as the village has been used as a filming location.  

Looking down from top

We had a good “mooch” around the village taking all of 5-minutes, then gave the dogs a good runaround on the beach before enjoying a coffee with “cake”, albeit about lunchtime in the tiny cafe before heading off again.

Tom-Tom eating the shell fish

By early afternoon the sun was shining as we rocked up to the Broad Haven beach and with the tide out, had a good walk wearing Tom-Tom and Rosie out as they charged in and out of the sea, clambered among the rocks and enjoying seafood along the way.   They had discovered the little crustaceans had a tasty morsel inside so quickly discovered how to break them off the rocks, eat the contents and discharge the shells; not bad for little ones!!!    There are consequences though, 😡😡.

Geoff Pooh picking!

Back at base camp for dinner, a game of crib and an early night for us all; we were tired thanks to last nights storm.

Two wet doggies
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