Shopping day!!!

Monday 2nd October 2023

After a very comfortable night in our new location in a quiet street adjacent to some undeveloped land where we could run the dogs and the beach across the road with many signs, “No Dogs”, all was well; no visits from officials!!!!!

El Mahon beach, spotless

After a leisurely lie-in and breakfast we headed to Balsicas, there is a large golf shop there that sells particular polo shirts Christine rather likes and wants to get some more.  We also plan to have a menu del dia on the way back.

This old farmer was loading his mobility scooter!

The “Great Golf Company” is on an industrial estate so parking was fine but we didn’t want to leave the dogs in the heat so Christine went in whilst I parked in a shady spot and again opened the windows and settled down; this could be a long wait!!!!!   But, hang on, here is Christine walking towards me empty handed, why??   Maybe she forgot my credit card!!, but no; Oh dear they didn’t have what she wanted😩😩😩.

On the move, not sure how!

So lunch next though it was too early; we “had budgeted” much more time for the shopping, so after a short break in the local petrol station, filling everything up we headed to “restaurante Agrodolores El Mirador”, part of a large fresh fruit and other produce distribution centre; it may sound like a working men’s cafe but the food is jolly good; value for money and a “destination”.  

Geoff enjoying his lunch

Though we arrived around 1300hrs, too early for the Spanish and the main restaurant hadn’t opened yet, but as we had the dogs we sat outside, very comfortable and cool in the shade.   We used to frequent this place when we lived here, and was always happy, hence our decision to return.  Today was no exception, a first course, a second course and a desert with half a bottle of wine each was excellent; no change though we thought the price may have altered, but hey, it’s good to be back here.   Eventually I went to settle up and the food was a similar price, €12 but they charged an extra €5 for the wine: Covid has a lot to answer for but we were happy compared to U.K. prices!!!!!

Dogs patiently waiting for us to finish our meal

By now we were really hot so headed to the beach carpark we had been expelled from yesterday; well we were only banned from stopping the night!!!   We had a good time on the beach and the dogs had a “ball”, well several thrown into the sea!!!

So after all the day’s excitement we headed back to El Mahon, to the same place as last night and settled down.

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