Ships Log – Tuesday 4th May 2010 – Tortola – Home

Up at some ungodly hour 4.30am, the alarms ringing out, and it is pouring with rain, fantastic!

Everything packed, so I had some cereal, and a cuppa, and then Geoff and I made our way to end of gangway, with fingers crossed that George was waiting for me, and yes he was. Into the taxi quick farewell to Geoff, then off we go. Arrive at terminal plenty of time, decide to book one of my bags in, as they are strict to what you can carry on, as I had the chart plotter in one bag, I let the one with wheels go into the hold, first big mistake, then we head of for security, they took my one remaining bag to bits, obviously they did not like my chart plotter, they tested it thoroughly, were very nice about it, I then repacked the bag, and sat waiting, and waiting, and waiting, no one telling us what was happening. Eventually at 9am, we were called forward; flight was due to leave at 7am. Nice flight, free cup of tea, everything good. We arrive at Antigua, and then realize that everyone is being transferred to different Islands, there were just three of us going to Antigua, and actually staying there. Through Customs very easy, no one waiting, brilliant, wait and wait for our cases, a little puppy dog came through, but no cases, we then were met and told our bags would arrive at 3.30pm, and we would have to come back. I flew with Liat, and there nickname is ‘luggage in another terminal’ well they have done it again, how the first flight of the day, could end up in such a mess, I really don’t know.

Head up to Sticky Wicket, I know I can get a nice cup of tea and probably relax for the rest of the day, notice on the door says, Sorry the restaurant is closed until further notice, great we are just doing fine today. I found another restaurant in airport, ordered breakfast, and it arrived totally wrong, so hopefully that is the three things that are going to go wrong, and from now on everything will be good. Just heard my new lodger is not moving in, maybe it can get worse.

Headed outside of airport, lovely lawns, so I laid down, did some Sudoku, had some shut eye, general relax until 3.30pm, then went back inside the airport, found my case, very dusty, but none the worse for its travels, headed to BA booked in, and now just waiting for my flight.

I have had a wonderful three months, we have been to some fantastic places, at times it has been hairy, but for the most, just plain sailing, and Anam Cara has done us proud.

I have very mixed feelings about leaving the Caribbean, because we have had some wonderful times, but I am sure we will have lots more in the Mediterranean, and I am hoping more people will join our adventures as we go.

I am signing out now, and will pass you over to Geoff and his crew, please take care of yourselves, and stay safe. Christine xxxx

Following on from Christine’s last log, after she left me waving to her leaving in the Taxi, I immediatly went back to bed, well there’sa surprise!!!

We were up by 0800 though, early enough for a bacon and egg breakfast cooked by Andrew and then to join the tripers to “Bobby’s” Supermarket for final shopping, arriving around 0900m hrs. I then get a phone call from my credit card security queering the payment for several hundred pounds to the ARC, as it was processed in an un-usal method. After they were satisfied I had authorised it, they said they would let the payment through and take the stop off my card.I did explain I was about to spend several hundres dollars in the supermarket and they saidthatwouldnot be a problem.

After filling the supermarket trolly to the brim including frozen meat etc, I go hrough the checkout, hand over my carde and yes you have guressed it, they declined it. Si onto Nationwide again and thistime security told me that there were two transactions goiung through, both the same and bothg to the ARC, causing me to exceedmy limit. Naturally I was livid andI explained that there should only be one and that then I could pay formy groceries. Nationwide security toldme it would take several days for it all to be sorted! Now my blood pressure was up, a trolly food of goods, no back-up card and lond queue behind me. Thn to the rescur came another Westerly owner and paid my biollfor me, how kind was that! So backon the bus with groceries and me champioing at the bit, furrious, etc etc.

I then went to the ARC office and explained they may have ben paid twice by me. They had to check with the Cowes office to know what had gone through the bank. I then went to the ATM, drew out the cash and settled my debt. Thank you Joice & John Easteal aboard Fair Encounter, my saviours.

Back to doing a number of jobs aboard, a couple of Gin & Tonics and bed. Still a lot to do tomorrowm though.

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