Saturday 29th July
This morning Ashleigh is joining us and whilst waiting, Mark got his fancy “Lotus” bar-b-q out again. Ashleigh left very early this morning and was expected for breakfast so Mark cooked loads of bacon and when she arrived, we all enjoyed bacon sarnies for breakfast; I must say I am very impressed by this “Lotus”, the big question is; do I, or do I not get one???

After loading the surf boards onto the camper van roof, we followed them to the beach whilst Ashleigh headed to the B&B in Croyde to collect Derick and Cath.
There is an enormous car park above Putsborough Sands holding several hundred cars, or more appropriately VW camper vans, the surfers vehicle of choice. Ideal as base having cooking facilities, space for changing and somewhere to keep warm and dry after surfing and naturally a bed if needed. Mark being very thoughtful forewent his normal parking spot as near to the beach as possible, we were at the top where there is a lot of grass so that us “4-oldies” could get the chairs out and watch proceedings but before they went surfing Mark and Christine took the 3-dogs for a long walk along the beach.

Putsborough Sands, a wide expanse of sand with a few rock pools at its southern end; it stretches 2-miles south from Woolacombe and is one of several popular beaches on this coastline that is ideal for surfers.

After the “dog walk”, which all 3 thoroughly enjoyed, they were now happy sit down and rest whilst Mark and Ashleigh prepped their boards but disaster, unfortunately Ashleigh hadn’t brought the “pins” used to hold the keel in place, still they both fought their way into their wet suits and headed down the hill, but only one surfboard under their arms; they are going to share it, meanwhile the four of us sat in a line watching. The weather couldn’t make up its mind up, our coats were continually being “put-on and taken-off” but fortunately no rain.

Whilst they were away playing in the sea, Paula spread out a lovely lunchtime picnic for their return. We were hoping to get into the sea but the walk down the hill to get to the beach but more important the steep hill getting back up was a prospect too far🥵🥵.

After lunch 4-of us played a version of “UNO” but with a standard pack of cards though it was windy and we spent quite a lot of time picking up the cards that blew away!!!

Back at “ base camp” and tonight it is bar-b-q again, but Mark is our chef with his “Lotus” cooking whilst Paula prepped and I organised the “G ‘n T’s”. Again it was windy but it didn’t cause Mark any issues; I may have to reconsider how I cook!!!

Again Derick and Cath were taken back to their B&B early evening and the 5-of us settled in Rosie for the rest of the evening; too cold to sit out tonight🥵🥵. Later all the dogs were taken for a late walk before we headed to bed. The forecast isn’t good for tonight and tomorrow and is telling us to prepare for an “interesting” night. This will be very interesting for Mark in particular, with Ashleigh here, he will be sleeping in a tent!!