ARC Europe – Sunday 13th June 2010

Position @ 1200 UTC

37⁰ 37.09 N 21⁰ 00.14 W

Nautical Miles travelled inl ast 24 hrs:-170

Sunday morning, wind still coming in from North East around 15 to 20 knots and gusting making it difficult to hold just above the rhum line; we have to drop below quite often as we can’t point the way we want. It is not helped having a current running South West. Sky is very grey and there are squalls all around, never mind we are knocking the miles off.

Vince appeared around 0800hrs stil looking groggey, the sea sickness has really takken to him this time and not being helped by being cold. I have given him another fleece so hope that helps.

Unfortunatly we weren’t in a position to have our normal Sunday ritual, ie, Sherry, cos I couldn’t get any in the Azores! So Christ and I made do with a G & T, Vince was so poorly he didn’t take anything and because Paddy helped with getting Sunday lunch, she was feeling a little queer so stuck to water! So Sunday lunch today was a little quiet still we had it. I tried to make Yorkshire puddings but they were a failure, so will have to try again. Unfortunatly our oven doesn’t get very hot and I suspect that conntributed to the problem, but I do have to say though, they all got eaten!

Bond followed Lunch,”Goldeneye” today, the first with Pieers Brossnan as 007 and Judy Dench as “M”.This was a little spoilt as we had the generator running throughout.

Evening approaching and night watches starting. We are still running under full Jib and furled main and having tocontinually adjudt theheading as thewindkeeps veeriung and backing between NE& N; Dont get us wrong, North is good it is just that the4re is too much NE and not enough N! Still nothing else about to get in our way!

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