Ships Log – Saturday 24th April 2010 Brewer’s – Bay St. Thomas

My sleep was disturbed at 6am, by a crowd of youngsters playing on the beach; they were thoroughly enjoying themselves, which I guess made it worthwhile, wish they had waited until 8am though. Couldn’t get back to sleep, so I read, and did some Sudoku, I have gone from the easy ones now to the very difficult, so quite chuffed, hope it keeps my brain active for another few years.

Geoff finally came too about 8am, and we went for our morning snorkel, we saw our turtles, although Geoff is trying to convince me they are not a family, I don’t care, and they are lovely to watch. We saw puff fish and strange tortoiseshell marking fish, we have lots of cards with fish on, but we cannot identify them.

After breakfast we went to Crown Bay, we left dinghy on shore, and off we went, we were only walking about five minutes, when it rained, we got absolutely soaked even though we had our kagouls on, we kept walking until a bus came along, and he dropped us outside the Marina, still raining, although not so hard. You get on and off buses where you want to, it is quite funny, and you pay the driver as you get off, he dropped us at traffic lights.

Into the bar for a coffee, then we decided to have a brunch, steak and eggs, it was lovely, we were drying off, and enjoying our food. We did some shopping, Geoff bought some new flip flops, and we bought some food.

Back on the bus, although it did not go as far as the one coming, so we had to walk up this very steep hill with all the shopping, Geoff’s face was a picture.

Back on board, provisions away, had a cuppa, and then went for another swim, Geoff found the biggest stingray to date, he thought it was chasing him, he was very wary, we saw the turtles again. Saturday night showers, just what we needed, bit chilly.

Geoff went to start generator to find the engine mountings are broken, so we have to get that fixed now, we have contacted a guy to see if we can meet.

Oh well Saturday night, bottle of wine, and time to chill out, despite what some of you think it is a tough old life here, especially when it rains, still at least it is warm rain. Geoff actually had a shower in the rain yesterday, anything to save water.

Tonight we played Rummikub, made a change; Geoff won 2-1, good games.

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