Ships Log – 26th March 2010

Geoff and Jeff out early to do some last minute internet, I stayed on board, and had a long meaningful shower, the boys came back we upped anchor, and took on some more water, (told you I had a good shower) then onto Red Hook Bay to track down these spares that we needed. On route, there were lots of boats racing, it was a Rolex racing day, they all looked very pretty with their spinnakers up, and Geoff had fun trying to miss them all. We arrived at the Bay and went to anchor, we had this mad American lady shouting out at us, we were perfectly anchored, but she was not happy, so in the end, we moved, we now have a lovely quiet spot by the beach, hope she is happier now. We all started to do jobs, mine was washing the outside down with warm soapy water, to take some of the salt off, Jeff was fixing our fans in our cabin, and Geoff was running cables under the floor, for some safety lights.

We stopped at 6pm and had aperitifs, it is Friday, first drink for a few days, had some dinner, and then I thrashed the boys at dominoes.

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