First day on board Celebrity Infinity

Up early, packed our cases, then down to breakfast, the taxi was coming at 9.40am which we thought was very early, but in fact it worked out very well.
Into the taxi, down to the port, our bags were taken from us, and we then waited in a big lounge, it was not long before they called us forward, to do all the checks, and we were on board relaxing by 11.30am, a lot easier than flying! The only decisions we had to make was which trip we were going on, and which drinks package we wanted? I left Geoff to decide the drinks! although I had ordered a non alcohol package! he went for the premium package! which means he can top me up when and if I want one.
We viewed the trips, and selected and paid for what we wanted, then went and relaxed on

Tugs pushing us off

Tugs pushing us off

Top deck pool and jacuzzi

Top deck pool and jacuzzi

the top deck with drinks, very pleasant, the sun was very hot, and our only regret is that we had not put our swimming costumes on, so we could go in the pool, never mind there’s always tomorrow.
imageOur cabin is lovely, with a big six foot bed, settee, big wardrobes, very comfortable, we did not receive our bags until after 4pm, so in between the safety drill, and dinner, we unpacked. We changed for dinner, then went to watch the show, which was very good, singers, dancers, guitar player, trapeze artists, everything you could wish for! Onto dinner, but realised we had an extra thirty minutes, so we found the martini bar, which was good fun, lots of different choices, plus the waiters were filling two or three glasses at the same time, they made me a lovely fruit punch, Geoff had a traditional dry martini! but says he will try different ones later.
Dinner was good, the standard of food is very high, so I guess we will be putting on a lot of weight. Geoff was very tired, so we went back to the room and fell quickly to sleep.

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