
Tuesday 6 July 2021

Approaching Carcassonne

Having had three hours sleep, it was decision time, shall I collect the car? With taxi’s being expensive and also unreliable, not knowing how long Geoff was going to be in hospital, I decided to go to Bram and get the car, and discuss our problems with the boat people. Another taxi, another 50€ , still I have the car now, so I am free to come and go.
Went into hospital, where Geoff was wired up to many tubes, one feeding him, the others flushing him out, apparently the problem they think is the Radiotherapy he had twelve years ago, apparently it is a common thing, it can cause scarring and blood leaks later, we knew nothing of this.  All I know the poor chap is suffering, hopefully things will be better soon. We are both knackered from lack of sleep so early night.


Wednesday 7 July 2021

I woke after ten hours solid sleeping, feeling so much better today, went to check on Geoff, he has the normal private room with en-suite, but unlike Spain I cannot stay!Also the food is better than Spain, well it certainly could not be worse!In the evening I wondered around the town, to have a look, then back home to bed.

Thursday 8 July 2021

Up bright and early, filled the water tank, did some washing, then caught the bus to the old City, it certainly is a fantastic place, I managed to get there before it was overrun with tourist.  Walked all around, went into several of the small shops, but only tempted by a magnet.
Situated on the right bank of the Aude, the City, a medieval village that is still inhabited, has 52 towers and two concentric walls totalling 3km in length.  Open at night as well as during the daytime, a large part of the medieval city can be seen on unguided tours by visitors.   History is Geoff’s department not mine!

Having been here before I didn’t bother with a tour, I enjoyed a walk, and people watching as they were all piling in, to see this enchanting place.

Tiny streets with tiny shops

I then headed to the bus stop, when No.4 came I popped on, the driver tried to say something but I didn’t understand, so I gave him my €1 and off we went.  Quickly realised he was not going down to the town, but other places, so I enjoyed a scenic trip all around, we finally came back to the castle, and eventually went down to the Port, oh well I enjoyed the ride.
Back on “Daisy”, I grabbed a snack before going onto the hospital, Geoff had been for a scan, and the doctor reported back that it was all clear, they were taking the catheter out, and all he had to do was pee normally, then he could go home tomorrow.   It’s amazing that after 12 years the scarring from the radiotherapy causes problems today, let’s hope it is not a regular occurrence.  Oh dear Catheter back in, so another day tomorrow while they decide what to do!

Just one of the many restaurants

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