ARC Europe – Saturday 5th June 2010

Position @ 1200 UTC

38⁰ 01.01 N 31⁰ 06.93 W

Horta Marina

A quiet day today, last of every bodies washing completed, we have all got clean beds and clothes and hopefully we have all had showers! Andrew chased around to get his air tickets out of here. Yes unfortunatly Andrew has to leave us, no matter how much we tried to get him to stop, he was adament he has to go. Business was his excuse I think, he shoiuld retire like the rest of us! Any way Andrew, as usual it has been a pleasure to have you aboard both for your sailing skills and your powers of entertaining us. Your sea shanties must be writen down and kept for posterity, Once again any time you want a sail, Anam Cara is waiting for you.

Whilst with Andrew, he fixed the cotter pin at the bottom of the forestay. This pin has become known as the “Cotter Mcrae” due to the fact that Chris (Mcrae) had a situiation whilst sailing one of the worlds oceans, on his boat the split pin came out/broke and the cotter pin fell out and the forestay went “sailing!” so hence Cotter Mcrae.

Paddy and I went fresh food shoppingin the market though the choice was limited it was fresh.

This afternoon there was an Island coach tour that many people went on unfortunatly I coulodn’t go as I had to clewar ou and after waiting an hour to be sen, it was too late, the coach had gone!

A short siesta in the cockpit (the sun was shining!) followed by a Bar B Q on the marina wall, (only organised at the last minute), turned out to be a great sucess both Lyall and Rob had done a good job organising various boats to supply or prepare something for the bar b q. Our Paddy made a whole pile of kebabs, very nice they were.

We had a fairly early night as early start tomorrow, a day sail to “Angra do Heroismo” on the Island of “Terceira” 70 miles, can’t be bad!

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