A long way to come to the Dentist

Wednesday 4th October

Had to be up early this morning as we have 2-Dental appointments, 0900 & 0930 hrs in the village; It’s a long way to come to visit the dentist, but first we needed to exhaust the dogs, again; they will be so fit when we get back!!!!

We moved Rosie into the centre of the village and strolled across the road into the dental clinic and punctual.   I went if first and emerged half an hour later with one new filling and an inspection; all good ‘till the next time.   Christine was hot on my heals and emerged half an hour later having had an inspection and clean, no filling!!!!

Next we visited the pharmacy to buy drugs that are unavailable without a prescription in the U.K.  followed by a visit to Tracy’s card shop and coffee with tostada and Soberano😁😁

Beach time now, but before heading back to the “salinas” carpark we stopped at the DIY car wash, Rosie was looking quite sad and dirty. Having fed the machine with lots of coins I covered her in their soap or more precisely “pink foam”, it’s supposed to sort out mosquitos; don’t know how!!! Anyway after I rinsed her down i wasn’t too impressed with the finished result, the dirt is too ingrained so it will be me up the steps with a bucket and sponge when we get back.

Fun day at the beach

Back in the Salinas, we now headed off to the beach with two balls, a ball thrower and two chairs.   Tonight we are out again so the pooches need to be tired.

Geoff taking a dip, the sea is so warm

After about an hour or so sitting in the sun and cooling off in the sea, and two dogs looking like drowned rats, we headed back to the MH.   Today we are in a good position, we have time and plenty of water on board so took the opportunity to enjoy showers, though we’d been in the sea most days, “there is nothing like a shower”!!!   

Two scruffy puppydogs

It was now time to head to head back to Campoverde as we have been invited to Hazel and Jim’s for dinner and crib; really looking forward to that.

Tonight we had intended to stop at the bottom of their road with “seco” both sides of the road, but once we arrived we realised it wasn’t as flat as we originally thought; anyway that’s for later!!!

We had a really nice evening, good food, good wine, good company and some exciting games of cribbage; chaps against the girls, and the winners were . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !! All this time our two dogs, being totally worn out were no trouble and joined Roxy and Beth on their bed.

Three contented doggies

After saying our goodbyes we headed back to the street with the dog enclosure, quiet, comfortable and a good place to let the dogs exercise

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