ARC Europe – Wednesday 2nd June 2010

Position @ 1200 UTC

38⁰ 01.01 N 31⁰ 06.93 W

Nautical Miles traveled in last 24 hrs:- 147

We had a good night last night, we had both the Jib and Staysail fully poled out and we were going along at 6 knots and with extra gusts occasionalaly reached 9 knots, very satisfying after the past 48 hours as can be seen by our through mileage, 147, best for a few days!

All things being equal by the time everybody reads this log we should be safely in Horta on the island of Faial in the Azores. We are expecting to be in mid morning.

As today is our last full day on board as this crew,we had scrambled eggs with salmon and washed down with Coffee and Brandy, rather nice and different. After breakfast would you believe it we had to reef theJib as we had increeasd winds gusting to 37 knots! and boat speed went up to 9 knots and we were surfing

Today was also the big change over. Most of our web site followers will be aware of the ongoing saga with our chart plotter and the fact we have one on loan from Raymarine, well we have finished with the North America and Caribbean software and had to change the disc over to the Iberian software. The last time we did this change in 2008 changing from Ibeian to Caribbean, it didn’t workso here we are about to do this change. To try and ensure nothing went wrong, we completely shut down all alectronic systems including “George” (Automatic Steering) did the change and switched on, hey preto it worked, what a load off our minds not that it would have been too much of a hardship as we do have back up paper charts. Unfortunatly7 we do not have a Portuguese courtesy flag, we tried to buy one in Tortola and Bermuda, but to no avail. I hope we can buy one in Horta

So what next, Oh yes, Bond, (Moonraker) but only “B” no other “B or C” today, still full from our breakfast!

We are still driving through the water with the reef in the poled out Jib running between 61/2 and 7 knots, a much better day today thank goodness.

Dinner was about clearing up several left overs, can’t waste good food! and Paddy made a spctactular job of it under very difficult circumstances. Running, with two sails poled out, 25 knot winds and 3 meter waves all contributing the boat wallowing from side to side. We do still have a little main in the vain hope of reducing the side to side wallowing but it is not working as far as we can tell. Of course, I could be completely wrong and it is working and how much worse it would be without it!!!

To day all the ARC paqrticipents received an email from the owner of “Setantii” the boat that was lost. I have attached it to todays log for our followers to see and read how those on the seas, even in today’s world, still look out for each other.

The evening sun is out, puffsof cloud about but the wind is cold. We are running tonight with the sail layout we have run all day. If we need to reef, then whoever is on watch can manage. The main will be left as it is for the reasons already given.

The only talking point on board is at what time tomorrow we will get into Horta Harbour!

Quiet night for my watch wind good, speed good and stars and moon shining

The following e mail was sent to all the ARC Europe Fleet

We are now home in the UK after 4 days onboard the MV Esmeralda. Captain Solis, the Officers and Crew of MV Esmeralda looked after the crew of SY Setantii with warm and friendly hospitality, care and sympathy. We thank and applaud Captain Solis and his crew for their seamanship and their unselfish commitment to the safety and lives of fellow sailors.

In mid ocean access to immediate assistance is difficult, you have to be resourceful and self reliant but when you are in real danger MRCC Falmouth are on duty 24/7 365 days a year. We are grateful to MRCC Falmouth and their Portuguese colleagues at the MRCC Ponta Delgada for coordinating our rescue. Their commitment to the safety of lives at sea is unstinting, professional and unbiased.

Thanks to Gilly for coming to our aid he gave me real hope that I may save Setantii. Thanks to Ashia and Fizz who somehow were able to contact us via VHF on Esmeralda. Your words conveyed the thoughts of the ARCE fleet and helped us through some difficult hours and days, we knew that we were part of a larger family who cared deeply for our welfare and shared in our grief.

I hope to see you on Lagos with my wife Ann, maybe Tom and John may also come along.

Safe, happy and fast sailing


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