Wednesday 5th October 2016
Today we couldn’t make up our mind, shall we go to Lechlade, the end of the Thames, or just go onto the Oxford Canal, decision made, we will finish of the Thames. For that we will have to buy another license to stay on the Thames. Under a very low bridge,
where we had to mind our heads, we made our way through lovely countryside.First lock we came to, was self service, well it was supposed to be, but a lady was standing in, temporary, I asked about the Thames being shallow, and she said as long as we kept close to the buoys’ we would be OK, so we started travelling along the Thames, but we soon realised it was going to be hard work, very twisty and shallow, certainly not relaxing. If the boat was not 60ft long we would have continued, but the bends were so tight, Geoff would have found it very hard.
We came to the next lock, spoke to the lock keeper, and made the decision to change direction. We are now heading to the Oxford Canal, tiny locks, low bridges, and lovely countryside. Th canal is really tiny after the Thames and the Kennet and Avon,
probably half the width, when another boat comes towards us, we have to just stop really, especially if boats are moored as well, really really tight.
Arrived at Kidlington, and we stopped for the day, as I need some shopping. We walked along the path and found a pub, where we had a lovely lunch, then onto the shops, where I had my nails done.
Back to the boat, a lovely quiet night.