Return to cold “Blighty”

A quick breakfast, then time to leave, we have to travel to Le Havre today to catch the ferry, we decided to avoid motorways, but when we were getting too late we hopped on and paid the tolls, we had a reasonable trip across, and arrived at Tom and Kathleen’s very late.

13/11. We were up early as Geoff was going to Welwyn Garden City to Gilbertson and Page, he has been invited to see Richard Ware, the Managing director of the company that   his grandfather owned. They had a visit to the factory, and then lunch, later in the day, he met Trevor and Denise in Sloane Square.

Whilst Geoff was away, I went to Chichester shopping, for a dress for the wedding, after going into all the shops, I ended up at the House of Fraser, and found just the dress, back home ready to collect Geoff.

14/11/2013. Another busy day, we collected our stuff from Andrew’s which included our winter woollies, which we definitely need, went back to Kathleen’s and started sorting our cases out, what we needed for Abu Dhabi, the cruise! and living in England, especially as we were off to Derbyshire, everything organised we went out for a lovely meal at Buritan near Petersfield, food was excellent.

15/11/2013. Today we are meeting Jane, it seems ages since we have seen her, picked her up from Clanfield, then onto Marks and Spencer’s at Hedge End, both Geoff and I managed to buy stuff, but sadly Jane couldn’t find what she wanted. We had the usual coffee, and my first mince pie, then onto Jolly Sailor at Bursledon, where Howard’s Way was filmed all those years ago.  Another lovely lunch, followed by cheese and biscuits with Port, and then Brandy’s, guess who is driving.

We then decided to call in and see Doug and Jill, as Jane wanted to congratulate them, Geoff took Doug out for a drink! and we heard all the gossip! some of it not good! Then back home, we are both shattered.








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