Our Escape!!

Saturday 24th June

Its been a long time since our last post but much has gone on.  Finding then buying a suitable abode with minimal renovation work needed; that turned out to be a joke, minimal turned out to be major; still 5-months later—————-

At long last we can escape and not feel pressurised to get the house finished; the vast majority of the work is completed and what’s left is now in the hands of the suppliers, so we’re off for a few days to Devon in Rosie two. 

All set up, relaxing with a gin and tonic

Though we have used Rosie a number of times, none of them have been for purely a holiday.   We enjoyed time in her whilst moving to England driving up through Spain,  we lived in her some of the time we were house hunting and finally we lived in her full time whilst our house was being renovated following the “great flood”: today we are 100% holiday, yeah!!

We originally booked this campsite for a few days at the end of May; Jane, Mia and the two of us then at the weekend, Dave would join us but alas that didn’t materialise due to Dave’s horrific accident.   Rather than lose the deposit we made the decision to re-arrange and come this week, so after breakfast we headed off.   Though this particular part of Devon is new to us, Mark, Paula and the girls stay around here every year and we were warned it is quite isolated and surrounded by narrow lanes so being just under 2-hours away, we also brought the car.   

The “convoy” hit the road and apart for a fuel stop, we made good progress though we were slowed down on the north Devon link road, several miles of road works!!!   Prior to leaving I bought some SatNav software that is used by HGV’s, you enter the vehicle’s dimensions and weight etc., to avoid low bridges and very narrow country lanes that Waze sends you down.    All was going splendidly until we were told to turn left as we came out of Braunton.  Now we knew the village is surrounded on all sides by small country lanes but this side road was stupid.  So much for my smart SatNav software!!! To add to the misery, the farmers haven’t cut back the hedgerows so Rosie scraped both side as we ploughed on.    Had I not used this SatNav and used an old fashioned map, I would have gone a Different way and saved poor Rosie the pain of being scratched.  Message to self, delete the app and ask for my money back🤞🤞🤞

We arrived at the site and after paying was ushered to the pitch we had booked which includes a hook-up point.   A very pleasant site, not overcrowded and on a slight hill but our pitch has been levelled so “perfect”, and for the first time we actually put the awning out.   By the time we had set ourselves up, had lunch, we decided to stay put today, just sit in the sun and relax and head out tomorrow.   Of course all this was very new to Tom-Tom and Rosie, (our new canine friends); they were miffed they couldn’t just run around this big field. 

Lovely quiet site, not sure it will be the same in July!

On this site, tucked away is a food “shack” but more importantly it has a Pizza Oven so we ordered a freshly baked garlic Pizza to accompany our home cooked Spaghetti Bol dinner; big mistake,  too much and we suffered most of the evening, that’ll teach us to be greedy!!!  Christine on the other hand states she was not stuffed doe to running around with the dogs 

Tomorrow we will head out and explore.

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