End of our short break

Saturday 5th November

This morning we had a video call booked so had to stay in until it was finished, but once completed we headed out into town, me to the Jersey Museum and Christine to visit the liberation statute.

The “hike” to the Jersey museum took all of 10 minutes and we missed the rain!  Yes it has rained every bl…y day; expected in U.K. but for some reason anticipated better weather here, still it has been mild.

We parted company at the entrance, As Christine isn’t interested I went straight in, also I think she wanted piece and quiet and time to reflect on the nomadic life we are “enjoying” at present!!! 

The museum advertised 3-tickets for the price of two as it could cover a number of other sites, towers and battlements etc., but alas, only the museum was open so it was a single!

Jane had warned me that the museum was fairly small and compact, which it was but, it turned out to be very interesting and so informative.  Though it wasn’t loaded with wall-to-wall artefacts, it was certainly loaded with wall-to-wall facts.   I had no appreciation of the history of these islands, to me they were just a holiday destination and a tax haven.   This museum does have relics found from 250 million years ago, from the Neanderthal age when Jersey was attached to the European land mass.  From here they have traced their history through to the present day, and at times, “turmoil”.   Visiting the museum explained why English is the dominant language now, it hasn’t always been so hence so many signs are in French and all the captions in the museum have both languages.

1066 and the Battle of Hastings was the root cause.  The Duke of Normandy (William the Conqueror) who “owned” the Channel Islands and England, spoke French* but in 1204 when King John lost Normandy he managed to hold on to the islands, and from that time english started to flourish slowly, but maybe it is time for them to forget their French heritage 😂😂😂😂 especially seeing how often the French tried to re-capture them!!!  Below is a simple time line for anyone interested where the predominant aggressor is France.  They were also strategic it because of their proximity to continental Europe and also being close to so many sea routes, hence the islands were caught up in every war for the last 1,000 years.

The museum closed at 1600 hrs by which time I had seen everything there was to see and I left very much more informed about the interesting history of these islands.

Returning to the flat, fortunately again I missed the rain, we had a cosy evening in, out of the rain that fell like stair rods, again!!

* The French spoken in Jersey is known as “Jerriais” developed from Norman French and has been spoken for over 1,000 years, and there are numerous variations with different spellings, even between adjacent parishes!!!

Sunday 6th November

Today is Dave’s birthday so the “call” was made but his day was marred by the news Jane’s mother has taken a turn for the worst so Jane had to shoot to Essex and couldn’t be with him on his birthday, still Mia was there to cheer him up.

Today really centred around the rugby; Autumn internationals have started and England are playing Argentina this afternoon so it was a morning out only, so once collected by Jane we headed out.  Originally our plan for this morning was to visit the war tunnels but as I found out yesterday, they were also closed.   I came here in 1974 and they were closed then, here I am in 2022 and still I’ve missed seeing them!!!!   Still en-route for coffee etc., we went to the entrance for the only “look” we will get this trip, and but guess what, it was raining, again!    After our brief stop at the tunnels we headed out to “The Hungry Man” for coffee and one of their superb bacon and egg toasted baps, but upon arrival it was still pouring with rain and their “one-and-only” table under cover was heaving, so no room for us;  We were “salivating” at the thought of enjoying one as we drove, we were so looking forward to them, but then our hopes were dashed🥵🥵🥵.  

As we drove away from the harbour we noticed a small board outside, what looked like a cottage, advertising coffee, teas and breakfasts, so parked and entered.  This was a small cafe of about 5-6 tables and just one person, a very nice lady serving and working in the kitchen.   It puts real meaning into the term “Cottage Industry”!!  Anyway the three of us succumbed to full, not English but Scottish breakfasts and being a one “woman band”, everything was freshly cooked, it more than made up for the missed bacon and egg toasted bap!!

Lovely jersey cows

On our return to St Helier we noticed a field bursting with Jersey cows so had to stop for a “photo”!!!!  Jersey Cows, famous for its rich milk have been developed over the last 200-years and no cattle have been imported into the island since 1789 but it wasn’t until the late 1830’s when selective breeding began seriously and since the mid 1800’s Jersey cows have been exported all over the world.

Back at the flat, TV on we watched the match.   On reflection it would have been better to drive around, the English performance was inexcusable and we lost, a match we should have won easily;  come-on EJ, sort yourself and the team out, bring in some new blood and say goodbye to Farrell as Captain; good player but rubbish captain👹👹👹.  If we play like this in the coming matches, New Zealand and South Africa will crucify us.   What’s even worse, we have the RWC next year in France!

After the match, feeling very depressed “and” it was still raining, we stayed in.

Monday 7th November

This morning we headed out to town, a 3-minute walk to the high street!!!   We didn’t have any particular plans other than to have a coffee out and buy a dressmaker’s tape measure, I need to take certain measurements to order my Kilt with all the necessary accessories ready for our “Hogmanay indulgence” at Stonefield Castle in Scotland.   This was easier said than done but chasing around looking for one took us to areas we hadn’t been to including the market.   It was in this market we completed our task but without this task, we wouldn’t have seen inside this bustling, colourful, vibrant market.  This lovely Victorian, cast-iron structured building, with its ornamental fountain was opened in 1882.

jersey market

After our excursion;  fortunately it wasn’t raining his morning, we returned to the flat and Jane joined us for the afternoon.

The sad thing about our visit was that all the attractions, visitor centres and castles were closed for the winter, so there wasn’t too much to entertain us however, it did give us time to re-generate ourselves ready to continue house hunting!

Tuesday 8th November

The grave of Lillie Langtry

Today is our last full day on the island and Jane had arranged to take us out to lunch to the  Bass and Lobster, but on our way she was going to show us the grave of Emilie Charlotte, Lady de Bathe, better known as “Lillie Langtry”, nicknamed the “Jersey Lily”. Lily was born in Jersey in 1876, she was an actress and made numerous appearances on he London Stages, but she was best well-known for her numerous relationships with several of the English aristocracy and in particularly the Prince of Wales, later to become King Edward Vll; “quite a gal”!!!    She died in 1929 in Monaco where she lived out her last few years.  She had requested to be buried in her parents tomb at St, Savours Church in Jersey, which she was.  Obviously this tomb is on the tourist route but it was strange to see little signposts in the cemetery pointing the way!!

St.Saviour ‘s Church

We arrived at the Bass and Lobster and enjoyed an excellent meal from a restaurant that only buys locally produced produce and fresh fish straight from the catch, yum yum and thank you Jane for this wonderful meal and all the running around you did with us showing us the island of Jersey; we will be back.

Back at the ranch later and the pack-up and clean-up started, tomorrow we fly back.

Wednesday 9th November

Our last morning; no hanging around as we had to strip the bed and get sheets etc., into the wash, have breakfast, clear up and be ready when Jane collects us.   Unfortunately the road where the flat is, is busy with minimal parking so need to be downstairs ready and waiting for Jane to pick us up.  This system has worked well all week but today it is for the last time and we have cases!!!

We have to be at the airport just after lunch so for the last time we are heading out to the Hungry Man, for a second  attempt to get a “bacon and egg toasted bun”.   We arrived “full of expectation” but left “totally rejected”, it was closed!!!  We headed back to the farm shop and had a “consolation” lunch.

After lunch Jane dropped us at  Airport departures in good time.  No queue to check-in, a slight delay to go through security, then into the lounge but no sooner had we organised some refreshment than our flight was called.

Our plane was quite empty, I had a row to myself and Christine had an empty seat between her and the other passenger and as there was a strong tail wind, our flight arrived early.   Waiting at the carousel for our case at Gatwick rather put a downer on what, up-to-then had been very good simple journey. We eventually got out of the airport, but that hold up had put pressure on our car parking.   We had pre-paid up ‘till 1600hrs but we only got on the shuttle-bus at 1600hrs!!!   Anyway we got to the barrier some 15minutes late but the barrier lifted and we escaped.

Our destination tonight is the Holiday Inn in Northampton.

Thank you Andrew for the use of your flat in Jersey, we thoroughly enjoyed our time there and again thank you Jane for entertaining us whilst in Jersey.

Timeline of Major raids on the Islands

1205 Mercenaries led by “Eustace the Monk” ravage the Channel Islands

1215 – 16 Eustace Occupies the Islands for the French

1294 An estimated 1,500 Islanders were killed in a French raid

1336 David Bruce, the exiled King of Scotland leads a French raid

1337 The 100 years war begins, the French occupy the Islands for 6-months

1338 An 8,000 French army raids the Islands

1339 Three major raids on the Islands within a year

1372 The Island is ravaged by the French led by “Ifan” a Welsh Prince.

1373 “Betrand du Guesclin”; Constable of France raids the Island with 2,600 men

1380 – 82 A French army led by “Jean de Vienne occupies the Island

1403 A Breton Fleet, under Admiral Jean de Pehouet attacks the Island

1406 “Pierre Hector de Pontbriant” & “Nero Nino” lead 1,000 mercenaries in a major raid

1454 A reported 500 Islanders left dead after another French raid

1461 – 68 French occupation of the Island under “Jean de Carbonnel”

1549 French invasion force is defeated at “Jarin d’Oliver”

1580 The Bishop of Coutances attempted to raise an army to invade but failed

1628 Threat of yet another French invasion

1642 – 51 English Civil War on the Royalist side, unlike Guernsey who were    parliamentarians 

1651 Parliamentarians invade Jersey

1651 – 54 England at war against the Dutch

1655 – 58 England at war with Spain

1665 – 66 England at war against the Dutch

1672 – 74 England at war against the Dutch

1692 – 97 England at war with France

1702 – 13 England at war with France and Spain

1718 – 27 Britain at war with Spain

1742 – 48 Britain at war with France

1755 – 63 Britain at war with France

1775 – 83 Britain at war with the Americans

1778 – 83 Britain at war with France

1779 Attempted invasion of Jersey by the French defeated

1781 French troops land but are defeated at the “Battle of Jersey” in St. Helier

1779 – 14 Napoleonic Wars but Islands left alone!!!

1940 – 45 Islands occupied by the Germans

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