Day 6, Rio

Oh dear, our last full day.  We have thoroughly enjoyed our few days here in Rio, great vibrant atmosphere though most probably a young people’s city, still we did what we came to do less the Carnival.  Perhaps we will come back for that some time.

Front entrance of our Hotel.

Front entrance of our Hotel.

After breakfast and a bit more packing and a serious downpour we were off for a swim on Copacabana beach.  There were still a fair few people on the beach, obviously the hardy ones like us!!!  Dropped our towels and in we went but we misjudged the surf.  There wasn’t that much, but boy what there was sent us packing, on more than one occasion. I managed to get beyond but Christine struggled to do that so I went back with the idea of helping her through when we both got caught and went spinning towards the shore.  When we stood up and sorted ourselves out, Christine realised she had lost her genuine “Bulgaria” very expensive sun glasses, she was pig sick: well she shouldn’t have worn them I say, her other comment was, they were tied on; a lot of good that did!!!
It was very invigorating! back to the hotel to change and out for coffee and some more Portuguese custard tarts.
Geoffrey’s favourite tarts, too sweet for me....

Geoffrey’s favourite tarts, too sweet for me….

Next a quick stop at an opticians for a new nose pad for my

View from top of hotel

View from top of hotel

glasses then back to hotel for a drink on the 19th floor, rather like a golf club,
Drinks on roof by swimming pool

Drinks on roof by swimming pool

the 19th hole.

Lunch today was at a Churrascaria, the same one we went to with

The meat just kept coming!

The meat just kept coming!

our Rio Tour.. it was quite interesting, when we went last time they started bringing sort of cheese dough balls and other filling things before the meat started coming.  Today there was none of that,
Who’s a happy chap pie then

Who’s a happy chappy then

straight into the meats and certainly more beef than when we were with the tour.  Anyway we enjoyed stuffing ourselves with various cuts of beef, lamb, chicken and goodness knows what else; a long lingering lunch washed down with a nice bottle of Malbec.

We strolled back to hotel to finish packing as no time in the morning, our taxi is picking us up at 7.15am, do we have breakfast first, that is the question.

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