Chateauneuf du Pape

Thursday 15th September 

No rush today as we’re not due at Andrew’s until 1800hrs, so whilst Christine took the dogs for a long walk I serviced the usual, water etc., etc.   Once she returned with two knackered pooches, we had our breakfast before heading off to “Chateau Cabrieres”, our original Chateauneuf du Pape wine supplier but again, wrong time of the day!!!  This is another “Passion France” site and in the past we’ve used them as a stop-over, but, we couldn’t remember their address other than it was on one of the many roads exiting Chateauneuf, and there are many.   After racking our brains, Christine suddenly remembered that in 2017 whilst I was in New Zealand she raided my “Bodiga” and “purloined” one of the bottles from this vineyard, then sent me a photo of the “incident”  to “wind me up”!!!!!      Anyway, the picture was retrieved from her archive and of course the label had the name of the vineyard so “hey-presto” we  knew where to go.

Yeah, we found it again

It was again mid morning when we arrived, not the ideal time to enjoy a wine tasting session but it had to be done.   We tasted several, all very nice and difficult to choose but eventually got there and exited with a couple of cases; more weight, poor Rosie🥵.  Having “enjoyed” several samples, we decided to stay in their car park for lunch, give the wine time to be “digested”, after all we’re all right for time an besides there is a nice run for the dogs alongside the rows of vines.

Tom and Rosie enjoyed running between the grape vines
Lovely lady giving us samples

Time to say good bye to our wine journey, far too short but we have no doubt we will be back, “soon”!!!!!!, as we headed off to Andrew’s.    Being a Friday afternoon the traffic was particularly heavy so to ensure we met our arrival time took to the Peage for the final part of our journey.   

I had a quick sample of grapes, they were very sweet

Arriving at Andrew’s hot, sticky and tired we headed into the house and quicker than you can say “”Jack Robinson”” Tom-Tom threw himself into the pool, with Rosie taking a little more encouragement and only when we joined TT in the pool.

Andrew arrived with Elton later in the evening, but by then we had “hit-the-sac”, tired and content,  

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