Tuesday 21 st June
…………………Our drive from Orleans to Beaune took about 3-hours using Peage; expensive but the thought of extra couple of hours or more in the car wasn’t very appealing.
We arrived in Beaune just after lunch. Our hotel was right in the centre and fortunately they let us into our room early but more importantly, the hotel car park! We soon dropped our bags and walked up the street into the heart of Beaune where all the restaurants, cafes, bars, wine shops and life is to be found.

Beaune is a walled town at the centre of the Burgundy winemaking region in France. Surrounded by the Côte d’Or vineyards. The old cobbled town was heaving with tourists, no doubt like us and all nationalities, also here to enjoy the Beaune Wine. The old centre had numerous restaurants and bistros to choose from so as we wandered we were also “sussing out” where we would eat tonight but unfortunately the rain came so we dived for cover under a large blind that covered the pavement where the tables were and folk still enjoying their lunches. We waited for service but none was forth coming, no doubt the waiters were fair weather waiters!!! Anyway the rain stopped so we left, still “parched” and continued on our mission until we came across a attractive and full establishment with one spare table so sat down. In between ordering and being served, the heavens opened so quick as a flash and without hesitation we moved inside. Within seconds everyone outside thought this was a good idea and followed us in. By being first, we had a choice of tables inside so sat and watched people scrabbling for tables, and staff running in and out collecting everything from outside; it looked like mad panic but somehow I suspect the establishment owners had experience of sudden downpours and operated like a well oiled machine. So organised that once everything had been retrieved with every member of staff soaked to the skin, we suddenly realised that one-by-one they were reappearing in dry clothes!!!!! Once all the “to’ing and fro’ing” had stopped our carafe of Beaune wine arrived, lovely.

The rain was still pouring down when we completed the carafe, so naturally ordered another but this time we accompanied it with a cheese platter to share. At this time of the afternoon with the rain, no one was going anywhere, after all we were holidaymakers enjoying a stroll around a beautiful town in shorts and tee shirts!!!!

Eventually the rain passed and the sun came out so we all ventured outside again whilst the café re-set their outside tables and life continued as normal. We headed to the tourist office to enquire about the small train that tours the town but the next one wasn’t till early evening so decided we would do it tomorrow morning before heading south. We returned to the hotel for an hour before heading out somewhere to dine, after all having shared a cheese platter, we weren’t too desperate to eat; we’ll just yet!!!!

We finally ventured out with a positive attitude and no brolly, IT WILL NOT RAIN!,,
After another quick scout round settled on a restaurant just outside the main square, (which is actually round!!!) that was filling rather quicker than most, so this must be good sign and entered. Though it was busy, we had a choice of a few tables and at this moment our “positivity” dropped and we chose one that, if it rained we would not be affected.

We had a very nice meal with a superb bottle of Beaune to wash it down, and no rain!!! It was now getting a bit late so strolled back to the hotel, tomorrow we head to Frejus but first we have the train ride to look forward.

Wednesday 22nd June
We were up in reasonable time to enjoy the hotel breakfast, sort the bill, get permission to leave the car in the hotel car park before strolling back to the main square to pick up the train.

Breakfast was good but upon returning to our room it started!!!!!! The thought of being stuck on the “little train” with no access to a loo was a little too much, so pulled the plug on it and instead decided to hit the péage, and stop as necessary at service stations!!!!! I blame the snails I had at “Restaurant des Artes” on Sunday; never had a problem before and I’ve always enjoyed them!!!!
So off we set, straight onto the motorway and headed south to even warmer weather…………………