Thank you

Tuesday has come around far too quick, Mike went off to work yesterday, and Geoff and I spent the day doing boring things, like cleaning, ironing and shopping, to prepare for the off, but Rosie looks really clean and tidy, with all washing clean including the dogs beds, thanks Catriona.

Lunch at a lovely French restaurant

As a thank you for putting us up, we all went for lunch on Saturday, Max and Tobyn were very well behaved, and we all had a lovely lunch, think three of us had a steak, and Mike had lamb. Tobyn had a pizza with a cat’s face on it, all very good. It is the first time we have stayed so long, and we both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, thank you both so much.

Anyway we pulled out of the drive at 10.00am with three hour drive to Lac Lacanau, and we are at a proper campsite, (Le Teday)  with all the amenities, electric, showers, etc.

The site is in a 10 hectres pine forest, which is lovely, you can walk around the lake, or into the forest, Sooty and Bella love it here.

After tea, Geoff dismantled ‘Pinky and Perky’ from the trailer, with the thoughts of going for a ride, well everything was fine, both bikes started first time, so we got dressed up to go for a meander outside the camp.

When we were ready to go, ‘Perky’ would not start, now have you seen anything so funny as Geoff running down the road, trying to bump start it, even if he had he couldn’t have got on!!  We tried towing it with ‘Pinky’ that did not work either.

So with the language quite blue, we decided to see if our fellow English camper had jump leads, which he had, so they were trying that route, but apparently they couldn’t get the leads to stay on, so he offered to push, so both of us pushed, whilst Geoff sat on the bike (typical) well it started almost immediately, so Geoff went for a ride on it, hopefully it will start in the morning!!

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