Ships Log – Saturday 10th April 2010 – Crown Bay Marina

Geoff was up at 7.30am making tea; he has two appointments at 8am, but wants to do some printing before. Off he went to the Marina office, and left me with the canvas guy, who wanted to replace our spray hood, fortunately Geoff came back to deal with him. Something’s can wait until we get back to Spain and that is one of them.

Internet next, Martin is waiting to sort our new mail sail programme out, well Geoff and computers are bad, Geoff and bad connections and computers is awful. Firstly when Geoff switched on he pressed the wrong button, and suddenly the screen was on the side, and he did not know how to retrieve it. I was on my computer, with Martin on skype, oh dear it is not going to be a good day. Martin sorted that out, and then they started with the job in hand. I was trying to get Geoff some breakfast whilst doing what I had to do for Geoff. It was getting all very fraught, so I suggested Geoff went over to the internet office, and sat there, and talked and did what he had to, which he did. I popped my head in later and things were going well.

Meanwhile I was still sorting the washing out, the bedding which is going to be used for trip has been stored in the boat for a long time, so I have washed and ironed everything, I scrubbed the bunk room, and aired it out, emptied everything I could from room, so there will be more space. I even put some Danish oil on the wood, to restore it a bit, looks nice now.

Geoff came back, the sat phone did not work over there, so he is going to try it on board, guess what it did not work here either, poor Geoff he gets so desperate, neither of us are computer literate, he was all for Martin buying a new laptop, and getting one of the boys to bring it out with them, I calmed him down a bit, and suggested it might not work because he has not paid!

So back he went to the internet, fortunately the lady said he could come in, even though she was closed, as she had some work to do. All paid up, back he came, and yippee it worked, the computer is now talking to the sat phone, and sat phone is sending our emails out. Thank you Martin for being so patient, and talking him through everything, mind you if you had done the trip, I would not have suffered today. Still by keeping busy, I got loads done too.

I had found some Italian sausages over the supermarket, they were lovely and spicy, what a day, we did not do much after lunch, by which time it was 4pm, we read a little.

I decided as my back was aching that I would have an early shower, and lay on the bed, and later we broke into Series 6 of 24, (American drama) we watched four hours straight off, I do enjoy it.

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