Le Somail

Saturday 3rd July

Being a very hot night, surrounded by Pine trees and of course on the water, leaving the windows open wasn’t the best idea, however we either took our chances or slept in a sauna; we took our chances and boy did we suffer, we were both bitten by midges, we both suffered and disturbed each other during the night.  When morning arrived it was a welcome relief, and as we were still on mains with water on tap, straight into the shower.

Apart from the “midges” last night, we are in a very pretty and peaceful spot and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast discussing amongst other things whether we were bitten by “Midges” or “Mosquitoes”; I said Midges and ChristIne said Mosquitoes, who knows, but they “nipped” us!!!

The local grocers

Off we went, our next stop “Le Somail” where according to “the book” there is a grocery shop on a Dutch barge, which is very important as we need a few basic provisions.  The other place of interest is an “Madame Gourgues antiquarian bookshop shop”: this village was also a staging post during those heady days when there were passenger boats plying their trade transporting people from end to end, a four day trip.  We travelled the two and a bit kms arriving in time for an early coffee, but no, chores had to be done first so off we pottered to the water-based grocer and replenished our cupboard with wine, and oh yes, some other minor essentials.   Opposite the grocer’s barge was the wonderful book shop mentioned, so naturally had to pay a visit.  Goodness me, how many books are there here, the aisles  between the bookshelves were quite narrow as they had squeezed in extra shelves, at the rear there was a mezzanine floor, probably held up by the book shelves below!! And naturally full of books.  They seemed to have everything, well in French anyway.   I know Hay-on-wye is famous for secondhand book shops but I reckon this shop held as many books as all the shops in Hay put together.   If that wasn’t enough, in the centre they had display cabinets showing the rare valuable editions, naturally under lock and key!!!!

Madame Gougues antiquarian bookshop

Back to Daisy for coffee and a brandy before heading off to Argens where we hoped to find a pharmacy.

Amazing place

Apart for a short stop for lunch, we motored on and arrived in the original Marina where we knew we could get help in finding an open Pharmacy, being Saturday afternoon we were a little worried.  With their help they located a chemist and they organised a taxi for us.   

We don’t know how lucky we are in Spain where you can get medicines over the counter with little problem, but we were informed that here no antibiotics, whatsoever, are sold without a prescription, oh dear after all that, so back to the boat with some herbal stuff instead.

Le Somali, pretty little village

Back on board and we headed out, our intention was to leave before the “fresh intake” of boaters got going.  We watched several of them receiving their “instructions”, made us wary hence our eagerness to be out in front!!!

Arrived at our next lock accompanied by two other boats, the canal from now on looks more spectacular so we are pleased about that though to achieve it the original builders have added many more locks for good measure!!!!!

On route

My little problem became more of a bigger issue so when we arrived at Homps, we moored up for the night.   When we collected the boat we paid extra to get mobile WiFi, and after dinner, thanks to “Martin”, who sorted me with a U.K. VPN, we were able to watch the Austrian GP qualifying on Channel 4; many thanks Martin.  ChristIne was also able to join “the girls” for the usual Saturday “chat”.

With my little problem and knowing I would be “up-and-down like a fan dancers draws” we decided to make up the spare bed using the plastic seat covers from outside, just in case!!!

We both had disturbed nights unfortunately and in the morning we woke up to rain; whatever next!!

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